
Guides for deploying to different hosting providers.


Zeit’s Now is an excellent option for hosting MicroFeedback backends. Now provides a command-line interface for deploying Node.js microservices quickly and easily.

Install the now CLI:

npm i -g now

To deploy a MicroFeedback backend using the now CLI, pass the GitHub repo for backend.

now microfeedback/microfeedback-github

You will be prompted to enter the required environment variables to configure your deployment. In the case of microfeedback-github, all you need is a GitHub API token.


Heroku is another option for quickly deploying your MicroFeedback backend.

Push button deploy

See the documentation pages for the available backends to find a Deploy to Heroku button for your backend of choice.

Deployment with Git

To deploy with Git you will need to:

  • Clone the repo for your backend
  • Create and configure a new Heroku app using the heroku CLI
  • Push your backend application to the heroku remote

See this page for installation instructions for the Heroku CLI.

Then run the following commands:

git clone
cd microfeedback-github
heroku create
heroku config:set GH_TOKEN=your-bots-github-token
git push heroku master

Next steps

  • See the Backends page for a list of officially-supported backends.
  • If you already have a backend deployed, add a feedback button to your website using microfeedback-button.